In the traditional sheep farm of central Italy, the insertion of the young dog into work is automatic and favored by the example of the adult Maremma Abruzzese Sheepdogs.
The selection for work that the shepherd operates is very rigorous and if the dog does not have the necessary qualities of a good herd dog it is quickly dismissed.
The dog’s contact with humans, especially in the first months of age, must be very limited in order not to run the risk that the dog, as an adult, prefers human company to that of sheep and leaves the flock to go home.
In flocks not accustomed to the presence of white dogs it is necessary that these are inserted gradually.
If the insertion concerns larger or adult dogs, which have already worked with sheep, it is advisable to use a lot of foresight by gradually accustoming the sheep to the presence of the dog first tied or closed in a small enclosure where the sheep graze or near the sheepfold.
Only when the sheep have become accustomed to the presence of dogs, accepting it, without any manifestation of fear, can the dogs be kept free with the flock.
It is recommended not to insert dogs immediately, if they are puppies, lambs or kids of a few months, which could stimulate the predatory instinct with their playful behavior, but with adult or semi-adult leaders, do not worry, indeed, if they show attitude submission to cattle.
By doing so, a symbiotic relationship will be established between dog and sheep to such an extent that one becomes an integral part of the other’s life.